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1. Project-based Learning is believed to be beneficial for students to develop the following skills, EXCEPT the . . . skill.
A. intrapersonal C. critical thinking
B. problem-solving D. communicative
2. Scholars believe that . . . is appropriate theoretical framework to support the classroom
implementation of Project-based Learning
A. behaviorism C. humanism
B. cognitivism D. social constructivism
3. The basic idea of constructivism is that knowledge must be . . .
A. transferred by teacher to students C. mastered through
various drills
B. constructed by the learner D. be supplied by the teacher
4. According
constructivist theory, the
learning process has the following
A. teacher pours the information in the passive students’ minds
B. students link new knowledge with the previous knowledge
C. students interact with peers and the teacher
D. students
their individual learning style.
5. Ivan is an outstanding student who gets an award / prize. This makes him more diligent to learn. The teacher prioritizes students-centered learning. She presented the materials in the form
small units so that students only need to provide a specific response. She gave
feedback to the students’ work or response so that students immediately know the results. The teacher's
steps in teaching are based on the following theory:
A. Behaviorism
B. Constructivism
C. Humanism.
D. Gestalt
6. To avoid subjective judgments and to facilitate teachers in assessing the achievements of students, in the assessment of the psychomotor domain the teacher should use...
A. multiple choice questions
B. matter of objective description
C. criteria
D. performance test
7. Which of the following statements is
in line with the constructivist model in teaching?
A. Prepare real objects to be used by students to learn.
B. Give students the task of memorizing certain concepts .
Familiarize students
to think in their own way.
D. Teach students to interact with each other.
8. What is not included in the pedagogic competence for teachers is ……
A. pay attention to cognitive development, utilize personality principles, identify potential
B. apply learning theory, determine learning strategies
C. Understand teaching materials in the curriculum, material, and other scientific concepts
D. Design and carry out evaluations, analyze evaluation results, utilize assessment results to improve learning programs
9. In carrying out learning, teachers use technology and information, formations.
This activity reflects the following competency:
A. Pedagogic
B. personality
C. Social
D. Professional
10. The following statement that explains the meaning of cognitive terms is… ...
A. the ability to communicate
B. the ability to solve problems
the ability to interact
D. the ability to integrate
11. The ability to think and
to operate logic rules
but still related
to concrete objects is a characteristic of the ability of which of the following age?
A. 0-2 years
B. 2-7 years
C. 7 - 11/12 years
D. 11/12 / - 14/15 years
12. This theory views learning as a result of the formation of a relationship between external
(stimulus) and the response of students (response) that can be observed. The more
relationship (bond) between stimuli and replies
occur, the stronger the relationship between them (law of exercise). The learning theory in question is
A. Behaviorism
B. Humanism
C. Cybernetics
D. Constructivism
13. According to this theory, the role of the teacher in learning is as a facilitator, motivator, and provides awareness about the meaning of life in students. This learning theory seeks to understand learning behavior from the point of view of the culprit not from the viewer's point of view. This learning theory is
A. Humanistic
B. Constructivism
C. cognitivism
D. Nativism
14. The opinion which states
that new knowledge or
be related to the
knowledge that already exists in one's cognitive structure is
based on …….learning theory:
A. Behaviorism
B. Constructivism
C. Cognitivism
D. Sibernatic
15. Before starting the teaching and learning process in the classroom, Mrs. Lily asked students to observe a phenomenon first. Then students are asked to record the problems that arise.
After that, students
are stimulated to think critically in solving existing problems. Meanwhile, Mrs. Lily directed students
to ask questions, prove assumptions, and listen to opinions that were different from them.
The activities carried out by Mrs. Lily signaled the implementation of the learning model
A. inquiry learning
B. problem
based learning
C. Project based learning
D. Discovery learning
16. Mr. Andi and his students plan a collaborative activity so that students
feel are responsible for
the activities that have been planned together. In the planning it was discussed about the rules
the game, supporting activities, tools and materials that can be accessed, ways and steps of work to complete the plan for collaborative activities.
The learning management model practiced by Mr. Andi reflects the principle of the model ....
A. Problem solving learning
B. Problem based learning
C. Project based learning
D. Discovery learning
17. When a teacher teaches using the following procedures:
1) Student orientation to problems
2) Organizing students in learning
3) Guiding student investigations independently or in groups
4) Developing and presenting the work
5) Analyzing and evaluating the problem solving process
These learning phases are a model of…
A. Discovery Learning
B. Project Based Learning
C. Problem solving learning
D, Inquiry Based Learning
18. One of the teacher's efforts in implementing learning improvement measures that have been designed through Classroom Action Research, among others is
A. the teacher believes
there is
a problem in learning that requires improvement
B. the teacher reevaluates the design, overcomes
existing weaknesses
C. the teacher designed the training effort to work on the questions to prepare for the National
D. The teacher introspects the weaknesses
the teacher aspect
19. The steps of conducting classroom action research are:
A. observation à reflection à planning à execution of actions
B. reflection à planning à action execution à observation
C. planning à observation à action execution à reflection
D. planning à action implementation à observation à reflection
20. Which is
best described as
the formulation of Classroom Action Research problems?
A. Can the use of role playing increase the activeness of grade XI students of SMAN 2
B. How is the implementation of scientific approach in teaching English to the tenth grade of
SMP 2 Surakarta?
C. Why do Sidoarjo 2 State High School students always win in various national competitions?
D. How to use props that come from the environment around the school?
21. The following measures can be used to identify students’ prior language
proficiency, EXCEPT:
A. students’ rapport
B. post test
C. interview
D. questionnaire
22. Which of the following statements describe a kinesthetic learner?
A. unable to sit down for long period of time
B. unable to memorize by listening only
C. unable to write neatly
D. unable to read silently
23. Which of the following strategies
can assist a visual learner?
A. using song
B. using radio news broadcast
C. using role play
D. using power point presentation
24. Which of the following strategies
can assist an auditorial learner?
A. using ads in a newspaper
B. using treasure hunt game
C. using story telling
D. using photos
25. Which of the following strategies implement constructivism learning theory?
A. teacher uses lecturing method to deliver the material
B. teacher uses textbook most of the time
C. students are required to do the homework in worksheet everyday
D. teacher offers variety of sources to the students to search for information
- LATIHAN TRY OUT 1 PPPK GURU - Soal Latihan Try Out Kompetensi Pedagogik Tes Seleksi PPPK Guru
- LATIHAN TRY OUT 2 PPPK GURU - Soal Latihan Try Out Kompetensi Pedagogik Tes Seleksi PPPK Guru
- LATIHAN TRY OUT 3 PPPK GURU - Soal Latihan Try Out Kompetensi Pedagogik Tes Seleksi PPPK Guru
- LATIHAN TRY OUT 4 PPPK GURU - Soal Latihan Try Out Kompetensi Pedagogik Tes Seleksi PPPK Guru
- LATIHAN TRY OUT 5 PPPK GURU - Soal Latihan Try Out Kompetensi Pedagogik Tes Seleksi PPPK Guru
- Soal Latihan Tryout 1 Kompetensi Manajerial Seleksi PPPK Tahun 2021
- Soal Latihan Tryout 2 Kompetensi Manajerial Seleksi PPPK Tahun 2021
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