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Question 1
What is the appropriate instrument to assess the students’ English competence in the use of vocabulary?
a. Provision of cloze procedure.
b. Use of project.
c. Provision of perfomances.
d. Use of passages.
Kunci Jawaban A
Question 2
Pay attention to the following text!
In 1900 three stangers met at a crossroad of research. Each, without knowledge of the other two, had worked out the rules that govern inheritance of physical characteristics by living things. The three were Hugo de Vries of Holland, Carl Correns of Germany and Erich Tschermak of Austria-Hungary.
Each made ready to announce his discovery to the world. In preparation, each looked through previous issues of various scientific journal, to check earlier work in the field. Each, to his astonishment, found an amazing paper by someone named Gregor Johann Mendel in a 35 years old copy of an obscure publication. Mendel, in 1865, had observed all the phenomena that the three scientists were preparing to report in 1900.
Each made the same decision. With the honesty that is one of the glories of scientific history, each abandoned his own claims and failed attention to Mendel’s discovery. Each man advanced his own work only as verification.
What is the main idea of paragraph 2 of the passage?
a. The three scientists found the same phenomena discovered previously by Mendel.
b. Based on various academic sources, the three scientists revealed Mendel’s phenomena.
c. The three scientists cooperated in search of the secret behind Mendel’s phenomena.
d. An amazing academic paper written early by Mendel surprised the three scientists.
Kunci Jawaban A
Question 3
Pay attention to the following text!
In 1900 three stingers met at a crossroad of research. Each, without knowledge of the other two, had worked out the rules that govern inheritance of physical characteristics by living things. The three were Hugo de Vries of Holland, Carl Correns of Germany and Erich Tschermak of Austria-Hungary.
Each made ready to announce his discovery to the world. In preparation, each looked through previous issues of various scientific journal, to check earlier work in the field. Each, to his astonishment, found an amazing paper by someone named Gregor Johann Mendel in a 35 years old copy of an obscure publication. Mendel, in 1865, had observed all the phenomena that the three scientists were preparing to report in 1900.
Each made the same decision. With the honesty that is one of the glories of scientific history, each abandoned his own claims and failed attention to Mendel’s discovery. Each man advanced his own work only as verification.
What is the moral value of the story?
a. No matter where and when it is, honesty is true.
b. Something true is right to everyone across time and places.
c. We do not create truth, it is there and we confirm its existence.
d. United we stand strong; devided we fall.
Kunci Jawaban B
Question 4
Instructional objectives should link to ....
a. predetermined core competences
b. content of curriculum
c. school syllabus
d. predetermined basic competences and indicators
Kunci Jawaban D
Question 5
Consider the following description of a student’s attitude in a school report! “Salsabila is considered polite, fairly concerned with others and self confident. Honest responsibility, and disipline are relatively improved.”
What grade will the student have?
a. Fair.
c. Poor
b. Good.
d. Excellent
Penilaian dalam proses pembelajaran berfungsi sebagai alat untuk mendeteksi kesulitan belajar (assesment as learning), penilaian sebagai proses pembelajaran (assessment for learning), dan penilaian sebagai alat untuk mengukur pencapaian dalam proses pembelajaran (assessment of learning).
Kunci Jawaban D
Question 6
Which of the following is a text?
Kunci Jawaban A
Question 7
A student does not understand what to do in a spoken task. What can the teacher do to overcome the situation?
a. Asking the student to be more attensive.
b. Using the local language for the instruction.
c. Repeating the instruction more.
d. Telling the other students to help understand the instruction.
Kunci Jawaban C
Question 8
Consider the following statement!
“A teacher will assess the students knowledge by giving a descriptive text about a person withsix missing words”.
How should the teacher formulate the indicator?
a. Given a descriptive text of a person, the students are able to fill in the blank spaces with the correct six forms of words.
b. Given a descritiptive text of a person with three missing adjectives and three missing verbs, the students are able to fill in the blank spaces with the correct form of words.
c. The students are able to write the correct forms of words in the blank spaces of the descriptive text about a person.
d. The students are able to spell the correct forms of verbs in the blank spaces of thedescriptive text about a person.
Kunci Jawaban B
Question 9
This notice tells you that around the place you ....
a. ougth not to smoke
b. should not smoke
c. cannot smoke
d. must not smoke
Kunci Jawaban D
Question 10
What should a teacher do to cope with learners in class with homogenious social behavior?
a. Engaging the learners to work in pairs.
b. Asking the learners to conduct self study.
c. Asking the learners to work outside the class.
d. Engaging the learners to work individually.
Kunci Jawaban A
Cope with : mengatasi, menanggulangi
Incorporate : memasukkan, menggabungkan
Equitable : patut, layak
Advanced : terdepan, maju
Question 11
Pay attention to the following text!
Technology continues to changes the way students learn and engage with their peers, parents and community. That is why Emily Howell, an assistant professor in Iowa State University’s School of Education, is working with teachers to develop new ways to incorporate digital tools in the classroom, including playing games such as Pokémon GO.
The facts of Howell’s work is two-fold-to give students equitable access to technology and help them build multimodal communication skills. That means not only using technology to consume information or replace traditional classroom tools, but experimenting with new forms of communication, she said. Instead of having students read a book on a tablet or use the computer to type an assignment, they need to learn how to create and upload videos or build graphics and maps to convey their message.
The learning environment to be made described in the passage is advanced in that ....
a. Students use technology to access information and create products to be shared in the internet
b. The project involves a number of experts in digital technology and classroom teachers of various subjects
c. The experiment used to create it involves digital technologies which make student active in learning
d. Techonology becomes the core on which internet-based learning experiences are created for students to learn
Kunci Jawaban D
Baca juga soal latihan lainnya:
Question 12
Pay attention to the following text!
Technology continues to changes the way students learn and engage with their peers, parents and community. That is why Emily Howell, an assistant professor in Iowa State University’s School of Education, is working with teachers to develop new ways to incorporate digital tools in the classroom, including playing games such as Pokémon GO.
The facts of Howell’s work is two-fold-to give students equitable access to technology and help them build multimodal communication skills. That means not only using technology to consume information or replace traditional classroom tools, but experimenting with new forms of communication, she said. Instead of having students read a book on a tablet or use the computer to type an assignment, they need to learn how to create and upload videos or build graphics and maps to convey their message.
What is the topic of the passage above?
a. A model of learning involving multimedia to enhance language skills.
b. Using digital learning media to enable students to communicate well.
c. Developing digital media to build students’ communication skills.
d. How Pokémon Go can improve students’ communication skills.
Kunci Jawaban C
Question 13
A teacher challenges the students to describe the life of a bee. Learning experiences that enrich students to get information and are suitable for the purposes would be ....
a. notetaking on video, drafting, and reporting
b. jigsaw based tasks, discussions, and pictures
c. hotspot observations, youtube, and laboratory interview
d. worksheets, reading newspaper, and conference
Kunci Jawaban C
Question 14
Which best rephrases the underlines part of the sentence that follows?
In addition to having more authenticity than communicative language teaching methodology does, authenticity in contextual teaching and learning (CTL) is stronger load than that in communicative language teaching methodology. With more of the elements of contents essential to the human real-life communication
a. CTL has authenticity of stronegr load than that in (CLT)
b. CTL has a authenticity stronger in load than (CLT)
c. CTL authenticity is stronger in load than it is in (CLT)
d. The authenticity in CTL is stronger in load than that in (CLT)
Kunci Jawaban D
Question 15
What is meant by this: “Assessment in the classroom is assessment for learning.”?
a. Information we get from assessment is used to facilitate students’ further learning.
b. The main objective of assessment is to identify students’ progress learning.
c. Assessment of students’ learning must be comprehensive and conducive.
d. Teaching and assessment are important in language learning.
Kunci Jawaban B
Question 16
Consider the following data:
“Based on the result of analysis for KD 3, the availability of facilities scores 90, the materials complexity scores 70, and the intake is 60.”
What is the minimum passing grade for the English subject?
a. 80.
b. 75.
c. 83.
d. 73.
Kunci Jawaban D
Question 17
Pay attention to the following text!
School at present still rely on standardized testing procedures because they have only one correct response, such as multiple-choice or true-false questions, and because they are easily administered and scored using objective criteria. ETS, the largest private educational testing and measurement organization in the world, states that standardized test povide fair, valid and reliable assessment that produce meaningful results and can eliminate bias and prevent unfair advantagesby testing the same or similar information under the same testing conditions.
A substantial move in testing is evedent however. Authentic assessments directly examine student perpormance on worthy intellectual tasks, present the student with tasks found in the best instructional activities and real life and determine whether the student can craft polished , thorough and justifable answers, performances or products. The most common authentic assessment procedures involve the students performing tasks and the teacher using rubrics to establish scores based on how well the final demonstrations match the criterion.
Based on the passage, the terms of assessment kits in authentic assessment, teachers need to ....
a. align assessment practices to teaching
b. develop real-life tasks and scoring rubrics
c. examine students’ critical thinking skills
d. use not only tests but also non test tools
Kunci Jawaban B
Question 18
Pay attention to the following text!
School at present still rely on standardized testing procedures because they have only one correct response, such as multiple-choice or true-false questions, and because they are easily administered and scored using objective criteria. ETS, the largest private educational testing and measurement organization in the world, states that standardized test povide fair, valid and reliable assessment that produce meaningful results and can eliminate bias and prevent unfair advantages by testing the same or similar information under the same testing conditions.
A substantial move in testing is evedent however. Authentic assessments directly examine student perpormance on worthy intellectual tasks, present the student with tasks found in the best instructional activities and real life and determine whether the student can craft polished, thorough and justifable answers, performances or products. The most common authentic assessment procedures involve the students performing tasks and the teacher using rubrics to establish scores based on how well the final demonstrations match the criterion.
The underlined word they in paragraph 1 refers to ....
a. procedures
b. schoools
c. criteria
d. questions
Kunci Jawaban A
Look through : melihat melalui
Obscure : tidak jelas, tidak dikenal
Question 19
Pay attention to the following text!
She was not perfect for sometimes her passion in teaching was too intense. But one thing we always knew was that she wanted to inculcate a love of words and language to all of us, and to make us better, caring people. She, of course, was an English teacher in my 10th grade. During my year with her, the girls began to write poetry because of her direction and encouragement and at the end of the year we published a journal of our writing. I would like to give you an example of her teahing method: One day she wrote on the board, “Eschew Obfuscation”. Then she spoke about the importance of writing well and intelligently but without losing sight of our readers. For those of you who might not be familiar with those words, it means “avoid confusion.’
What the passage about?
a. My idol teacher.
b. The styles of my idol.
c. My ideal teacher.
d. The teaching style of my teacher.
Kunci Jawaban D
Question 20
A learner is proficiently competent at conversations and class discussions.
What is her/his level of proficiency?
a. Beginner.
b. Intermediate.
c. Advanced.
d. Post intermediate.
Kunci Jawaban C
Access : mengetahui
Cut off : memutuskan, memotong
Question 21
To access students’ ability to read a passage, a teacher sets up 15 questions. Five questions on topic identification, 7 questions on specific information, 3 questions on inference.
Which of the following indicates students’ students mastery on reading if the cut -off score for mastery is set up at 80% overall?
a. One correct answers on the topic identification, nine on specific information, and 1 on inference.
b. Two correct answers on topic identification, 6 on specific information, and 3 on inference.
c. Three correct answers on topic identification, 7 on specific information, and 2 on inference.
d. Four correct answers on topic identification, 6 on specific information, and 1 on inference.
Kunci Jawaban C
3 + 7 + 2: 12
12/15: 80 %
Question 22
Pay attention to the following text!
There is a long-running debate on the benefits of homework. The purpose of homework is to bridge the gap between children’s learning at school and at home, but just how relevant is it to the modern generation? Homework sets children up to manage their time and plan out study schedules, which are very useful skills to have when they enter senior high school years, tertiary study and eventually the workforce. Homework, also allows teachers to track students’ progress, meaning that they can spot when a child is struggling with content or falling behind the rest of the cohort. It also helps improving the memory. However, homework eats up the valuable time kids have to spend with their family, attend extracurricular activities, and catch up with friends. Also, although teacher work hard to set homework tasks that will engage students, it sometimes difficult to see the value in the assignments.
The passage mainly deals with ...
a. several pluses and minuses of homework.
b. endless controversies over roles of homework.
c. gains and loses in learning subjects with homework.
d. an argument for students to have homework.
Kunci Jawaban B
Question 23
Which one of the following aspects is not considered in setting up the minimum passing grade in the englishh subjcet?
a. Nature of subject-matter.
b. School culture.
c. Qualification of teachers.
d. Quality of intakes.
Kunci Jawaban C
KKM: kompleksitas mata pelajaran, daya pendukung (sarana), dan intake (kemampuan awal siswa
Question 24
Consider the following indicators:
“To analyze text structure and language features in order to identify the social function of explanation text relevant to its contextual use.”
a. What learning activities should a teacher plan to achieve the competence?
b. Formulating a question as the starting point for the students to think over. Then, plan procedural steps to answer the question. Next is analyze the data collection in groups. After that, make conclusions based on the analyzed data. Finally, present the result in class, and create a poster explaining the process of natural phenomena.
c. A predetermined text is distributed to individual students. Then, several students are instructed to read aloud the text given. Next, individual students ask difficult vocabulary to the teacher. Finally, the students write the answer of comprehension questions in their worksheets.
d. First, reviewing previous materials is done prior to introducing a new topic. Then, the new topic is explained by the teacher. Next, some questions about the text are addressed to individual students to answer. After that, each question is discussed in class. At last, the text is read aloud by whole class.
e. At first, a model is shown and explained to find out the social function, text structure and linguistic teatures. Then, students answer comprehensions questions individually before presenting the result in class. Finally, feedback is presented.
Kunci Jawaban A
Question 25
Consider the following instructional objective:
“At the end of English session, the students are able to write a piece of news on Eca Friendly School correctly?
What will the students do?
a. Conduct a panel discussion.
b. Write a composition.
c. Read a newspaper.
d. Compose an individual news report.
Kunci Jawaban D
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