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30 Soal UP PPG Bahasa Inggris Materi Professional + Jawaban Part 2

30 Soal UP PPG Bahasa Inggris Materi Professional + Jawaban Part 2

30 Soal UP PPG Bahasa Inggris Materi Professional + Jawaban Part 2

Peningkatan profesionalitas guru merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam mengukur keberhasilan sistem pendidikan. Untuk mendorong guru menjadi profesional, pemerintah melalui Direktorat Jenderal Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan (GTK), Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) telah melakukan berbagai upaya. Dalam artikel ini, kami menyajikan beberapa contoh soal dan pembahasan UP PPG Profesional Bahasa Inggris yang diharapkan dapat membantu guru dalam meningkatkan kemampuan dan profesionalitas mereka.

(1)   This product may vary according to their reaction and responses to the communicative task.

(2)   Unlike the audio-lingual method, the communicative approach an leave students to the outcome of a class exercise.

(3)   Student’s motivation to learn comes from their desire to communicate in meaningful ways about meaningful topics.

(4)   Communicative language teaching makes use of real-life situation that necessitate communication.

(5)   The real-life simulations change from day to day.

(6)   The teacher sets up a situation that students are likely to encounter in real life.


1.      The best order of the following jumbled sentences is ….

A.    4 – 5 – 1 – 3 – 2 – 6

B.     4 – 6 – 5 – 2 – 1 – 3

C.     4 – 6 – 2 – 1 – 5 – 3

D.    4 – 2 – 5 – 1 – 3 – 6

Text 1

There are a wide variety of types of airplanes. For example carrier-based airplanes, vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) space shuttles, land planes, and seaplanes; their capabilities and uses make them seem only distantly related. Seaplanes, sometimes called floatplanes or pontoon planes, are often ordinary land planes modified with floats instead of wheels so they can operate from water. A number of seaplanes have been designed from scratch to operate only from water bases. Such seaplanes have fuselages that resemble and perform like ship hulls. Known as flying boats, they may have small floats attached to their outer wing panels to help steady them at low speeds on the water, but the weight of the airplane is borne by the floating hull.

2.      The word “hulls” in the text means ….

A.    the  outer coverings of a fruit or seed

B.     the portions of a flying boat which furnishes its interior

C.     the frames of a ship, most of which goes under the water

D.    the structure of an airplane consisting of frameworks


3.      The text tells us about ….

A.    the characteristic of seaplanes

B.     some example of aircraft types

C.     similarities between two airplane types

D.    differences between seaplane and flying boat


4.      The main advantage of a seaplane is that ….

A.    it can fly slowly on water

B.     it is designed from scratch

C.     it resembles a small boat

D.    it is able to operate from water

 Text 2

Global sea level change for much of the last country has generally been estimated using tide gauge measurements collated over long period of time to give a long-term average. More recently, altimeter measurements – in combination with accurately determined satellite orbits – have provided an improvement of a global sea level change. To measure sea level prior to instrumental measurements, scientists have dated coral reefs that grow near the surface of ocean, coastal sediments, marine terraces, ooids in limestone, and near shore archaeological remains. The predominant dating methods used are uranium series and radiocarbon, with cosmogenic radionuclides being sometimes used to date terraces that have experienced relative sea level fall. In the early Pliocene, global temperatures were 1-2°C warmer than the present temperature, yet sea level was 15-25 meters higher than today. 


5.      After the invention of instrumental measurement, dating method ….

A.    develops more intensely

B.     is not used any longer

C.     tends to be set aside

D.    is gradually abandoned


6.      The text above intends to ….

A.    compare different methods of measuring sea levels

B.     argue about the validity of dating methods for measurement

C.     compare the different methods of global sea level measurement

D.    report the development of sea level and temperature measurement


7.      The text implies that there is ….

A.    a positive correlation between global temperature and sea level

B.     no gauge measurement which are valid for long-term average

C.     a predominant method being sometimes used to date terraces

D.    a negative correlation between sea level change and its fall.


Text 3

The ZPD has become synonymous in the literature with the term scaffolding. (1) …. it is important to note that Vygotsky never used this term in his writing, and it was introduces by Wood and Middleton. (2) …. the student, with the benefit of scaffolding, masters the task, the scaffolding can then be removed and the student will then be able to complete the task again on his own. (3) …. learning a language may be equated with this concept 


8.      The appropriate word/phrase for the blank space (1) in the text is ….

A.    Since

B.     Indeed

C.     However

D.    Meanwhile



9.      The appropriate word/phrase for the blank space (3) in the text is ….

A.    Additionally

B.     Eventually

C.     Generally

D.    Similarly


10.  The appropriate word/phrase for the blank space (2) in the text is ….

A.    Soon

B.     Once

C.     While

D.    Though


Text 4

Thematic units lesson differ by the manner in which instruction is presented. Instead of teaching subject areas separately,(1) the curriculum is organized around themes or topics.  Reading, math, writing and science is integrated into an exploration of a broad subject area. (2) Children learn in a way that is natural to them. Thematic units are used to integrate the four language skills so that (3) students learn both language elements and content areas.   


11.  Which of the following sentences can best replace the underlined part (1) in the text?

A.    theme or topics become the organizing principles across subject in the curriculum

B.     the curriculum is developed on the basis of individual subject that are integrated

C.     the teaching of subjects depend on the themes or topics in the curriculum

D.    themes or topics make the curriculum more systematically integrated


12.  Which of the following sentences can best replace the underlined part (2) in the text?

A.    Children learn naturally

B.     Children learn natural subjects

C.     Children learn natural materials

D.    Children learn as natural as possible


13.  Which of the following sentences can best replace the underlined part (3) in the text?

A.    students learn not only language but also contents at the same time

B.     students’ activities are learning both language and relevant topics

C.     students are actively engaged in language and contents

D.    students focus their learning on integrative contents


Text 5

Cure for the King

Once there was a very lazy king. He hardly did any physical activity. As a result he started staying ill. He called the royal doctor and said, “Give medicine to get well. If you don’t cure me, I will kill you”

The doctor knew was the main cause of the king’s illness. Next day the doctor gave the big dumbbells to him and said, “Your Majesty, you must swing these magic balls in your hands every morning and evening for an hour. Do these till your arms start sweating and you will start getting cured.”

The king did everyday not knowing that it was an exercise. Within a few weeks his body became fit and he felt alert and energetic. He thanked the doctor and asked the cure’s secret.

The royal doctor said, “Your Majesty, the magic of this cure will keep you fit till you keep swinging these dumbbells. The day you stop you will became ill again.”


14.  The king did the physical exercise because ….

A.    the doctor obliged him to do it

B.     he did not realize it was magic

C.     he believed it would make him fit

D.    he thought it would cure his illness


15.  We learn from the story that ….

A.    laziness is the major cause of every bad omen

B.     magic balls can be used as a means of curing illness

C.     curing any illness should not be based on superstition

D.    we can teach someone to keep fit without offending


16.  The story is about ….

A.    a doctor who cured the king from his laziness

B.     a king who made efforts to cure his illness

C.     the secret cure for the king’s ailment

D.    the benefit of exercise to keep healthy


17.  Many people ….. the incident that has happened to the poor teacher who was beaten by his students and his student’s parent.

A.    fully grieve over

B.     totally mourn

C.     wholly lament

D.    deeply regret


18.  Students will certainly be allowed to take their cell phone to the class, …

A.    if the school sets up clear rules for using the device in the class

B.     if the school had set up clear rules for using the device in the class

C.     should the school set up clear rules for using the device in the class

D.    unless the school will set up clear rules for using the device in the class


19.  It is …. useless for her to defend her wrong ideas in the discussion on the effectiveness of the teaching method.

A.    fully                                                                C. clearly

B.     utterly                                                             D. evidently


20.  Learning English successfully needs strong motivation and a lot of practices. Therefore, students need to …. these conditions.

A.    fully recognize

B.     entirely realize

C.     completely know

D.    wholly understand


21.  If the students take a walk, it will take some time to get to the convention hall and as soon as they get there, the general lecture ……

A.    will be beginning

B.     is going to begun

C.     will have begun

D.    begins


22.  The scope of the student’s research needs to be limited. Otherwise, he …. with his thesis.

A.    bites off more than he can chew

B.     throws planning down the drain

C.     barks up the wrong tree

D.    burns the midnight oil


23.  No novice teachers should miss the workshop on the current strategies in language teaching as it presents a lot of innovation for them. The innovation is worth …. for effective learning.

A.    for being implemented

B.     to be implemented

C.     implementing

D.    implemented


24.  These materials …. as many students have not met the minimum passing grade in the quiz.

A.    need retrained

B.     need to retrain

C.     need retraining

D.    need to be retraining


25.  At first, Terry felt pretty … when he knew the demands of the lecturers on the project.

A.    sick as a dog

B.     around the bush

C.     under the weather

D.    down in the dumps


26.  The best order of the following jumbled sentences is ….

(1)   It frequently involves finding flaws in others’ arguments, but that is not all that it is about.

(2)   Put simply, critical thinking means developing reliable, rational evaluations about an argument or ideas.

(3)   However, it is about developing the ability to think about ideas with greater critical distance.

(4)   The term “critical thinking” is used a lot, but is not always properly understood.

(5)   It is not simply about criticizing ideas.

(6)   It is a means for separating truth from falsehood and reasonable from unreasonable beliefs.

A.    4-6-2-1-5-3

B.     4-5-1-3-2-6

C.     4-6-5-2-1-3

D.    4-2-6-1-5-3


Text 6


Lobster: 4 lobsters live and 1-1/4 lb each; olive oil as required; to taste salt; to taste ground black pepper.


·         Fill a very large stock pot with salted water and bring to a boil. Plunge the lobsters into the boiling water and cook over high heat for 4 minutes. Remove the lobsters to a large colander to drain and cool.

·         Preheat the grill.

·         Remove the lobster claws. With the blunt edge of a large knife, crack the claws without opening them completely. Set the claws aside. Separate the tails from the bodies, discard the bodies and cut the tails in two, keeping the shells on. Set aside.

·         Brush the claws and tail pieces with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Place on the grill shell side down. Cover and cook about 5 minutes, turning once half-way through.

·         Arrange on a serving platter and keep warm.


27.  Theword “colander” in the text means ….

A.    A metal device with holes in it used for straining

B.     A flat, usually round dish with a slightly raised edge

C.     A bowl with small holes in it used for washing food

D.    A container from which food can be served


28.  The following steps are about dealing with the lobster, except….

A.    preheat the grill

B.     remove the lobster claws

C.     crack the claws without opening

D.    brush the claws and tail pieces with olive oil


29.  The best title of the above text is ….

A.    grilled lobster

B.     clawless lobster

C.     olive oiled lobster

D.    grilled lobster pot


Text 7

From a historical perspective, technological revolutions have coincided with population explosions. There have been three major technological revolutions – the tool-making revolution, the agriculture revolution, and the industrial revolution – all of which allowed humans more access to food, resulting in subsequent population explosion. For example, the use of tools, such as bow and arrow, allowed primitive hunters greater access to high energy foods (e.g. animal meat). Similarly, the transition to farming about 10.000 years ago greatly increased the overall food supply, which was used to support more people. Food production further increased with the industrial revolution as machinery, fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides were used to increase land under cultivation as well as crop yields. In short, similar to bacteria that multiply in response to increased food supply, humans have increased their population as soon as food became more abundant as a result of technological innovations.


A.    The text above intends to ….

B.     report the influence of technological revolutions to population growth

C.     relate technological revolutions, population, and food production

D.    explain the importance of food production to human health

E.     argue about the population explosions


30.  The increases of food production are dependent very much on the following, except

A.    fertilizers

B.     pesticides

C.     machinery

D.    cultivation


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